Don’t Waste His Hard-On! Top Blowjob Mistakes to Avoid
Ask any guy what one of the best feelings in the world is, and we can guarantee that nearly all of them will talk about blowjobs!
Oral sex is the king of foreplay, and it can really make all the difference between having an average sexual encounter and having a world-shaking sexual encounter, but that is only, of course, if you know how to do it right.
It might seem like a very simple procedure, but there is a long list of dos and do nots when it comes to blowjobs. Here are some blowjob mistakes that you should definitely avoid:
Wrong use of hands while giving oral sex
What do you do with your hands while giving a blowjob? If you search the internet for basic blowjob techniques, many will recommend a “firm grasp on the base of the penis” from start to finish during a blowjob. Or others will recommend making an “O” with your thumb and forefinger, and using it add additional pressure to your man’s cock during fellatio. Is that all there is to know?
The first example above is completely wrong… only a good idea for blowjob beginners. The second is a good idea to use towards the end, to help your man cum when he needs a lot of pressure and your mouth is getting tired. This is what you should do with your hands during the blowjob:
- Play with your own pussy to try to get yourself off simultaneously
- Fondle and play with your breasts
- Lightly touch and pinch his nipples
- Grab his ass and pull him towards your mouth while you suck him
- Run both your hands lightly over his body… his inner thighs, abs, etc
Silence and lack of sexy blowjob sounds
Great sex is multi-sensory, and great oral sex is no different. So why are you so quiet while you’re giving your man a blowjob?
Believe this… he wants to hear you making sloppy sucking sounds. Talk to him seductively by telling him how great he and his cock are… boost his ego like crazy. Tell him how much you’re loving what you’re doing. Moan with pleasure while his cock is in your mouth (playing with yourself while giving a blowjob helps a lot with making this real!)
All of this should be obvious, but we tend to get caught up while “focusing on our work” and forget to have fun during the process. There are dozens of things to remember to really give a great cock-sucking so trying to do everything at once takes lots of practice.
Just remember: filling his ears with the sexy sounds of what you’re doing down there is an essential part of a giving a good blowjob.
Don’t be too repetitive when giving oral sex
Your man’s penis will grow tired of almost any repetitive motion if you do it exactly the same way for too long. It’s important to “mix it up” a bit with regard to the sensations you’re giving him.
You will discover over time how frequently he’d like to switch positions, but a good rule of thumb is not to do exactly the same thing for more than 2-3 minutes without either changing your body posture, or your sucking technique.
This will also help prevent you from getting too tired and BORED. You really don’t want to get bored or your lover will sense that and may grow bored too.
In addition to repetitive motions while giving blowjobs, many girls are guilty of repetition for the entire experience. Do you get ready for bed in the same way every time, then go to your man while he’s watching TV before bed, and then start the same exact process every time?
You may be the most beautiful and sexy girl in the world but if you do the same thing every time he will grow bored of you quickly. Instead, go down on him during other times of the day, or at least before you take of the day’s makeup.
Quickly put on some high heels or mascara. Put on something sexy and different. Men are usually so visually oriented that all you need is to have a new t-shirt he hasn’t seen before and he’ll be excited. This stuff is easy so show him he’s worth the 1-2 minutes it takes to prepare something fun for him before you give him a blowjob.
Lack of Movement

Men get all dreamy-eyed watching a sexy girl’s body moving in feminine ways – back arching, ass grinding, hands playing over her body. Bring these movements into your lovemaking, whether it’s giving a blowjob or any other type of sex for that matter.
So for example, if you’re on your knees giving him head, move your hips back and forth and arch your back repeatedly with the motion of the penetration. Even a fraction of an inch of movement will add a lot of eroticism and life to the moment.
Putting on some of your favorite, sexiest music is a great way to help make this movement feel more natural to you.
Don’t start off a blowjob badly!
How can you start a blowjob badly when in the end you’re sucking his dick? He should be happy that you’re doing it, right? Well…. yes, BUT there are ways to make him totally relaxed and enjoying what you’re doing a lot more if you start right.
First, the physical part… many girls make the mistake of using their dry and rough hand to jack off their man to start with.
If your hand, or his cock, is the slightest bit sticky or wet, this can be almost painful to most man, and you’ll be quickly desensitizing his penis for what will follow. So instead, let the first thing he feels be your hot breath and very wet mouth.
If you touch him with your hands first, then use the most feathery of touches, or use lots of lubricant and don’t exert too much pressure but instead keep it extremely light. If you desensitize his cock too much, it will take a lot longer for him to cum, and his orgasm will be weaker.
Second, the psychological part. Do you only want to give head when it’s YOUR idea? If he asks, do you usually turn him down until you’re good and ready? Did you ever think that maybe it’s not such a good idea to emasculate him in this way repetitively?
Try giving him exactly what he wants, exactly when he wants it, at least some of the time, and see how it works wonders on your overall sex life and relationship happiness.
Even more important, don’t FINISH giving a blowjob wrong!
If you ever find yourself in a situation where you could ask a group of men what the worst blowjob mistakes are, then hands-down the winner is the messed-up finish!
How can so much go wrong right at the end when it matters most? To summarize, here the main mistakes MOST women make at the finish line:
Fear of Cum:
Lots of women are afraid to swallow, for various reasons. Get over it! Cum is healthy, usually not bad-tasting, and great for your skin. To give the mind-blowing blowjobs your man wants, you’re going to need to learn to love it.
Making horrible faces
Though many men will close their eyes when they cum, many will seek eye-contact and/or look at your face while they blow their load. You want to look as beautiful as possible during these moments, with a happy and knowing look in your eye, sexiest mouth, and adding moans of pleasure for good measure.
Do NOT look grossed out, or start laughing. You will kill his orgasm and ruin the moment for him. Doing these things can even make him have a false orgasm, where he ejaculates, but gets little or no pleasure hormone response, leaving him depressed instead of euphoric!
Do NOT stick your tongue far out of your mouth like you may have seen in many pornos. That’s NOT beautiful and not sexy. Remember again that you’re just trying to look happy, loving, and beautiful. Love him, love his cock, and love his cum.
Running to the bathroom to clean up
Most men dislike that. Whether it’s to spit their cum out into the toilet (the WORST) or just walking over to brush your teeth, many women jump out of bed far too soon after their man ejaculates.
Please understand that ejaculation is NOT orgasm. A man’s orgasm can last up to a couple of minutes after he’s done ejaculating.
During this time, pleasure-hormones are entering his bloodstream, and the happier, sexier, and most beautiful and fully PRESENT you are with him during this time, the more euphoric he’ll get.
So relax, be patient, and spend 2-3 minutes telling him you love him, praising his wonderful cock, thanking him for giving you the cum you were craving, etc. shower him with praise and have fun by making him feel great.
Forgetting Eye Contact and General Lack of Focus
Many women know how important your eyes can be for seducing a man. You should be using eye contact as much as possible, from the moment you start, to the very end of the blowjob, which shows that you are fully present and dedicated to this time with him.
Don’t look around the room while you’re sucking him… that’s a huge turn-off for him when you seem distracted. He wants your full dedication. It should go without saying that you do NOT answer your cell phone or even acknowledge that it’s ringing.
The dog is barking? YOU don’t hear it! In fact, even if the house is burning down around you, better to just ignore it unless HE says something! Imagine how he’ll feel when he really has your 100% undivided attention.
To give the ultimate blowjob, you need to be somewhat of an actress to pull this off, and no matter what happens, just act as if nothing is more important to you than his cock in your mouth. If you can do this one thing, you’ll already be ahead of 99% of women when it comes to the way your man perceives your oral sex skills.
Accidental Teeth Contact
Or in other words, DON’T BITE HIS DICK! It very rarely happens that a woman really bites a man during oral sex, but many accidents can happen that cause pain to his most precious appendage.
The most common is when you sort of hit the wrong angle and somehow one of your fangs rubs across his penis in a very painful way. Not only does this hurt a lot, but it can take a long time for him to feel much pleasure again if his nerves are shocked by contact something sharp.
So most find that getting the perfect, straight-on angle is very important, or, rotated exactly 90 degrees can work too, but because most penises are wider than they are tall, it means you’ll have to open your jaw wider, and your tongue will have a hard time rubbing his frenulum, that magic spot that brings him to orgasm…
You may also find a problem will develop in which your teeth are just slightly rubbing him, in such a way that he’s feeling both pain and pleasure simultaneously. While this sounds perhaps a bit titillating, this isn’t what you want. Eventually the pain will build and he will find his cock is quite desensitized. It takes a while for you to learn how to make sure your teeth NEVER touch his penis during oral sex.
Give Better Blowjobs Starting RIGHT NOW
Now that you know the dos and don’ts of giving a BJ, the next step? Practice! You can read all you want, but there’s nothing like a real, live dick to practice on, whether it’s a hot one-night stand or your long-term boyfriend. Practice your BJ skills, then try out these five exciting sex positions to spice things up even more!