Dating Tips

The Booty Call Etiquette Guide Everyone Needs to Read

Booty calls are the lazy man’s one-night stand, a shortcut to casual sex. And that goes doubly if you’re able to find a girl who’s willing to be your regular go-to. For starters, booty calls are more reliable — and definitely involve less work.

Booty call sex is also easier on your wallet — assuming you’re being a gentleman and buying your target a drink. Not to mention how time-efficient the whole booty call process can be, when done right. Instead of chatting up a girl for hours at the bar only to have her turn down your offer to come back to your place, your booty call is, ideally, ready and able.

Of course, finding and establishing this type of relationship isn’t just a walk in the park with some flirting involved. There can be a lot of awkward situations to navigate, ground rules that inevitably need to be set, and yes, manners you should mind if you want this to become a regular thing.

The first step to getting yourself set up real nice with a booty call-type situation? Understanding the basics.

1. What Is a Booty Call?

Of course, everyone has their own twist on what a booty call means to them. We can agree on at least one key point: it means you’re getting laid. “A ‘booty call’ can be a mature, mutually beneficial understanding between two people, where if your desires are in sync and no one is satisfying the urge right now, come on over.’

But, do you actually have to call this person? With so many social media platforms and modes of communication, the booty call of today can come from just about anywhere these days. With modern technology booty calls can come in all forms of technology. Texting, Facebook messenger, DMs on Instagram, or even old fashioned telephone calls.. Basically, pick your poison (and you know, check your social media accounts often).

2. How to Find a Booty Call

Finding a booty call isn’t an exact science, and can take a bit of trial and error before you land on a potential partner who checks all the boxes.

Booty calls are different than one night stands, because there is often some kind of history or pre-established relationship (friendship, friends of friends, met last month…), with the person you are contacting.

Maybe it’s the girl you went on one date with a few weeks ago who you weren’t interested in pursuing for a real relationship, but had a slamming body. Or an old college friend you keep in touch with (and maybe spend the night with) intermittently.

3. How to Start a Booty Call

So, you’ve identified a potential booty call. For the sake of things working out to your benefit, your next step has to be to establish what kind of relationship this is going to be, and set some ground rules. Sex buddies need ground rules.

First off, it’s always important to make sure you and your booty call are on the same page in terms of what the relationship is. There needs be some e kind of communication about the intention of the relationship as just being a sexual one. As always, being tested for STIs and sharing your status as well as using protection against STIS and pregnancy are crucial.

Also, make sure that your booty call is clear on the terms. Booty calls should never be used in a coercive manner or as a promise for maybe something more in the future.

If you are both consenting adults open to exploring this sort of ‘sex on demand’ type of lifestyle, we say go for it. Lay out the ground rules and expectations you both have of this agreement and make sure you are on the same page.

If she turns your booty call proposition down, don’t push the issue either. If you offer a booty call to someone and they decline, it ends there. No one likes the drawn out, ‘Come on baby, I’m so horny,’ or following it up with a dick pic with caption, ‘See how hard I am for you.’ Be an adult and respect their boundaries.

4. Sending a Booty Call Text

Unless you’re really old school, you’re probably sending your booty call a “booty text” in order to facilitate things. First things first: Get your timing right. Send a booty text too late, and she may not be up for it — or won’t see it, since she’s out cold. But too early, and it might conflict with her other plans. How do you find the right balance?

Your margin for success will be higher if you’re able to figure out what’s OK and what not ahead of time. Discuss beforehand with your partner what parameters are acceptable for them. Maybe you have an arrangement with someone that any time of day goes, or maybe it’s just specifically after hours. Disrespect comes into play when someone isn’t respecting someone’s boundaries. It really depends on the person to determine what the most successful booty time call is.

As for what to send, something that gets the message across in so many words will do the trick. “‘What are you up to?’ and ‘Wanna hang’ are common intros — especially at 2 a.m. Some people are more explicit, but oftentimes, the language of the booty text is more subtle than ‘Let’s get naked.’

“There are going to be times when a booty call just doesn’t line up. But it’s good to at least know what your booty call’s schedule is like so that you know ahead of time what you’re working with. If she works the 9-5 during the week, don’t text her at 1 a.m. on a Tuesday and expect a response.

Location is important here too. If your booty call lives near where you work, often you will see each other when he gets home and you’re done working. But he knows that if he texts you past your normal work time on a weekday you’ll already be headed home. So definitely discuss it in advance!

5. Booty Call Etiquette

Just because you’re partaking in a casual, no strings attached relationship doesn’t mean that chivalry is off the table. “Absolutely be a gentleman!

Find out how she’s getting home. Yes, you can order an Uber or taxi or take her home especially if she’s been out drinking or whatever. And ask her to send you a message to confirm that she’s made it home safely. It’s most appropriate for us to look after the women that are allowing men to enjoy our company.” Not to mention, the more you can help facilitate an easy trip, the more likely she’ll be a repeat customer.

Also, before you send that booty text, know if you’ve reached max capacity. Don’t be too drunk. No one wants to hook up with an overly intoxicated mess, especially if your partner hasn’t had as much as you. She wants a good time too, so don’t make her play the babysitter role.

How often should you be in touch once it’s over? In order to maintain a causal relationship that doesn’t feel awkward when you meet up again, send a text here and there to keep things friendly.

At least once a week is a reasonable amount of time to reach out and say hello. It’s great when a friendship built on respect and communication can come from a booty call. You should feel free to text them if you’re thinking of them, or if something exciting happened during your day and you want to share that with them.

With open communication there shouldn’t be any ambiguity or hesitation in regards to communication. That can happen with new crushes, but if everything is out in the open in this type of relationship, there should be no fear.

6. Scoring a Booty Call Online

Now that you know how to mind your manners during your next booty call, it’s time to get down to business and find yourself a solid situation with a new partner. Of course, scoping one out is easier said than done. Mainstream dating apps like Tinder and Bumble can be a good start.

But the odds aren’t exactly in your favor when trying to use an app with a user base that has a wide range of intentions, rather than one that caters to the no strings attached type of booty call you’re looking to land.

If only there were sites where you could let your freak flag fly, and be upfront about what it is you’re looking for when it comes to the type of hookup partner you want to find – instead of having to weed through profiles and determine which of your matches would be down with an arrangement that’s purely physical.

Actually, you’re in luck. There are a few hookup sites that don’t beat around the bush about what their members are after – quite the opposite, in fact. You’ll find quite few hookup sites to consider on your quest for your next booty call right here on TopSiteDate! Have fun fishing, and enjoy your next booty call!